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memdump #09: let.

What I am now left with is the true state of my affairs.

Breathe in. Commence depressurisation.


memdump #08: (un)remarkable.

Boom. The day begins at 11 with a rehearsed retrieval of magnesium supplements and paracetamol. A good night of sleep it was not - there are no breakfasts of champions for those who have yet again chosen to stomach a bowling ball-for-head Saturday.


memdump #06: okay, fine.


As is tradition, the thing formerly at the back of my mind has been steadily making its way up to the front again, so here I am; long overdue, as always. With zero discipline, getting things done in a manner not too dissimilar to writing a response to an email you should’ve sent months ago.


memdump #05: annual balloon day.

First up, I’m managing. Not doing exactly well, but good enough to still be able to switch to autopilot and ‘it is what it is’ my way through for the foreseeable future, stable.
